Tuesday 17 February 2015

Vegan Festivals Australia


After many many months of deciding to return to this space, my virtual self has decided to resurface and get back to this business of blogging. It's been a long while and there's been many things that have taken place in my life and in the world, one of them being my decision to turn to the dark side of being a vegan. A couple of years ago, almost three now, I watched a documentary that changed my life forever. Earthlings. If I ever had a major slap-in-the-face, watching that; was it. The brutal truth behind what the animal kingdom faces for the sheer greed and pleasure of the human race was a real eye-opener for me and although I spent most of that 1.5 hours with tears in my eyes, it made me understand certain things like I hadn't before. At that point, it became clear to me that I wanted to do something more than just be an 'animal lover' so to speak. There was more of a purpose to that love.

It's been three months since I turned ( that's the Vampire in my coming out) , and so far, so good I reckon. Given that it does take a lot of will power to completely give up something and I have been doing it progressively, it's still a lot easier than I imagined it would be.  In that time however I have also discovered many different recipes, spoken to a number of people who have also adopted the vegan way of life. Although I'm taking it one step at a time, and figuring things out, I know that being a vegan is just the right thing to do. I've had quite a horde of people make fun of my choice, shoot down claims that a vegan diet is actually a much healthier option but hey, up theirs right? Or to put it more diplomatically, to each his own! At least that's the kind of attitude the people at this festival have.

My home country, the Land Down Under, hosted it's first Vegan Festival in  Sydney in 2014 which was tremendously successful bringing together vegans from around the world to share ideas, thoughts, music and of course heaps of food. The second installment this year which includes the first in Melbourne, features the likes of the mighty food bloggers Thug Kitchen, 79-year old Vegan Body Builder Jim Morris as well as some other inspiring speakers. Even if you aren't a vegan, heading to such a different event such as this will definitely shed light on something that is unknown to you and you may even learn a thing or two - that is if you're willing and open-minded. If not for any of that, there is the promised good (vegan) food and music, a combination that any individual cannot refuse.

So for more information, hit up  the Melbourne Vegan Festival and Sydney Vegan Festival's Facebook pages. You know you want to! If you know anyone who would be keen on attending this then do your good dead for the day and spread the word!

For now, watch the Vegan Black Metal Chef do what he does best:

Stay tuned for interviews with Thug Kitchen and Jim Morris!

Monday 11 August 2014


I'm sitting here at 5.30 am wide awake contemplating the general meaning of life and thought to  myself, 'what better time to start blogging again!'. Considering I've been off the proverbial blogging radar for a while, it's about time I get back to it, there's something about sharing stuff with complete strangers that is oddly comforting. Also I just love to write. But I digress.

Since I'm on the whole 'begin again' thing; My name is Prarthana. But most people call me Prat for short, either because they love me so dearly or because I have an invincibly long Indian name. I prefer the former. I'm 21 and enjoy good food, abnormally heavy music and the company of anything with more than 2 human legs/ 2 legs or more. I'm a very simple person that believes in the power of history, mythology and tradition. A day is never complete in my eyes if I haven't laughed like a hyena on crack. I love my daily dose of stand-up comedy. I refrain from watching the news/ anything morbid. That being said, I do keep up to date however because I like to know what is happening and I think it is important to know. Ironically though, I do love a good, gory, horror movie. It can have people eating the gutts and butts of other people, slashing their way through life, and it doesn't bother me. In fact, I spent most of the time watching Saw laughing my arse off. Blood doesn't even bother me in reality. I used to analyse the iron content when I was a kid much to the disgust of everyone else. That being said, I despise anything to do with hospitals, doctors and medicines and have stayed far away from all three mentioned. I can't take seeing people in pain. It does things to me. But yet again, I have a high threshold for pain myself; for instance, I had a thorn stuck up my foot once which was almost a quarter of an inch long and didn't realize till two days later. I also have several piercings. Vacant people assume I'm a metalhead/rebellious punk because of said piercings, which isn't the case. Metal is the best friend I've ever had. Music is something I can and will not live without. I'm always listening to something, humming, whistling, tapping. Speaking of tapping I can't dance. Well a tleast not all the grinding, twerking and whatnot. I am very keen on learning how to do the Viennese Waltz and the Celtic river dance, because both require patience and stamina.

I'll continue the introductions in the next post. But for now, to start off with, I just want to say thank you in advance to whoever reads my blog. I know that there are readers all over the world, and I'm hoping that my posts give you a little giggle/food for thought/good recommendations. I love writing because it's one of the few ways I express myself. I've blogged for almost 7 years now; sadly I don't remember the name of my first blog and the second one I deleted to begin this one. This is the third edition and it's lovely to hear the feedback I get for my writing.

Moving along, you must check out this new track this crazy new track from Brit metallers Xerath, it's been on repeat for the past two days.  I heard them for the first time a few years ago when I listened to 'Nocturnum' and absolutely loved them. Their music has this intriguing mysticism and I  love their approach to extreme metal; lots of symphonic elements that make you feel like you're witnessing a metallic opera of sorts. Definitely give them a listen!

Okai, I'm going back to sleep now! Weird dreams await!

Later ;)

P.S: Remember...

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Brain Dump #2

Hello all you brootal mortals. What's going on?

I have resurrected myself yet again, after many attempts. I'm not going to be typical and explain why I haven't blogged in a while but I will say that I've missed it! LOTS! My blog is like my own personable online journal. Which I must nouish and cherish. Right.

Anyway, now that I've successfully mushied my first blog post in a while, I thought a great come back was Brain Dump #2! Are you one of those people who has a constant flurry of thoughts in your head all the time, some which make you pee yourself laughing in public and someone which just make you want to bury your face in a cushion forever and ever? If my mind could be translated, the above picture would certainly be it. My mind is constantly working. Or it doesn't function at all. I told you, I'm quite an extremist, in all senses of the word. Some of my regular readers would be well aware of that by now. I'm a simple person with a complex mind. And by complex I don't think in terms of calculations and logic. I just have mini episodes of different things playing in my head. It's quite fun. You've got your horror scenes, slapstick humour, mini soaps, lots of docos ( how to judge people 101). It's all there. When it drives me insane sometimes, my mind halts instantly. And then there's nothing. Nada. Diddly Squat. I will have no reaction or response to anything. It's funny how that works but not surprising.

See, the thing is. I like to think. I like moulding things into my own little version and mind movies. The extremes are extreme but it works for me because when I take a break from it all, I'm literally a big brown lump of lazy. ( I know what you're thinking of, you guys are gross). My brain dumps merely reflect a lot of what goes on in my head in a matter of minutes, hours, nano seconds, whatever unit of time you'd like to put there. I talk to myself a lot too. Not sure why, but I had to mention that here. You must think I'm crazy hey. Well right you are! On with the craziness.

1. I just spilled water on my laptop about an hour ago and everyone in office was so sweet about it. They were fanning it, and my manager was holding it upside down and shaking the living daylights out of the keys. Fun scene, but I do hope it works. I mean, it was only half a glass of water. Pretty sucky if something so technologically advanced succumbs to water. But then again, water's awesome.

2. Surrounded by carrot sticks and bran muffins. Where all dat fat at? I think I'm going to go double up on some Max Brenner waffles after this. I can feel calories disappear just looking at all this health stuff. Don't get me wrong, I'm really health consious. But I'm also a hardcore glutton, especially when it comes to all the stuff you're not supposed to be eating that isn't good for you. I did have a wicked morning tea though so that was good.

3. Okai no seriously. BEST brownies ever. I love working at WWF! Every Wednesday is morning tea and literally, the whole length of the bar was filled with cookies and cake. I seemed to have forgotten about the 'tea' element to the event, because I just kept eating chocolate and peanut butter clusters and brownies.

4. I just went to the loo and heard someone with a bladder that would trump any fireman's hose. I don't think I can ever look at a hose the same way again.

5. Was talking to a friend about recurring dreams. I still have them quite often. Probably the weirdest thing to ever happen to me, but I've studied recurring dreams in psychology and they're so much more to them than just occuring as a result of something that has greatly impacted you.

6. Listening to Satyricon right now and they are pretty awesome. New sidewave announced with Amon Amarth, Gwar, and The Black Dahlia Murder. It doesn't get any better than that. Best Sidewave line up, but of course second to Gojira, Mastodon and Baroness. So excited! Soundwave in 11 days and Gojira in 12 =) It's going to be pretty friggin epic.


for lack of a more sophisticated reaction.

7. I want to order so much merch. But  I have this annoying pain in the arse being present in my head consistently reminding me that I don't have the money to spend on more music right now and that I need to live simple. Any simpler and I might as well become a hermit dressed in a loin cloth and leaves and life off of rogue sea salt particles in the sand and berries for desert.

8. There's a spider on a plant near me and it's beautiful. I love spiders. Especially the Assasin Spider. What a beast.

Till later, much love!

                                                    The morning new, the morning red,
                                                              The fiery promise
                                           Mad swirling smoke wheels round her head
                                     Dedication to the queen of souls, her lost disciples
                                               And when the fire's work is done
                                                         Our time to be reborn